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What is Half-Cells Technology? and outstanding advantages

  1. 08-01-2022 10:25:57
  2. 85
Recently, leading solar battery manufacturers such as Hanwha Q-cell, Canadian, Sunergy,… have transformed the technology in their high-end battery lines from traditional Full-Cells to new Half-Cells with outstanding advantages in terms of performance, efficiency, longevity…
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Công nghệ Half-Cells là gì?

– Size of battery cells: 3inch*6inch, twice as small as traditional batteries with cell size: 6inch*6inch.
– The number of battery cells in each panel is twice as many as conventional full-cell batteries of the same size. For example, the most common size today for solar cells is 2m*1m, with this size the panel will have 72 cells in normal full-cells and 144 cells in other types of batteries. half-cells technology application.
– The battery panel is divided into two symmetrical halves connected in parallel, each half has 72 battery cells for 2m*1m batteries.
Công nghệ Half-Cells là gì?

Advantages and improvements of Half-Cells technology

–  Reducing the amperage flowing on the busbars helps to minimize consumption, maximize efficiency.

  • Busbars are shiny metal streaks on the surface of panels, which have the function of transmitting electricity. The busbar itself carries electricity, so when current flows on the busbars, there will be losses.
  • Doubling the number of battery cells causes the current flowing through the busbars to be halved. According to the loss calculation formula: P= (I^2)*R when the current I is halved, the loss will be reduced by 4 times.

– Reducing the busbar size increases the efficiency of light absorption

Giảm kích thước busbar làm tăng hiệu quả hấp thụ quang năng

– Reducing the influence of each cell on the entire panel: The cells in the panel are connected in series, so if a cell is shaded, the whole panel will be reduced in capacity. To minimize this problem, normal full-cell panels will divide the battery cells into 3 arrays, separating the shadowed battery cell array using 3 semiconductor diodes. So if one or a series of battery cells are shaded, the capacity of the panel will be reduced by 1/3.

3 dãy cell pin, sử dụng 3 điốt bán dẫn để tách cell pin bị che bóng
3 battery cell arrays, using 3 semiconductor diodes to separate shaded battery cells

– For Half-Cells panels, the battery cells are divided into 6 rows. Therefore, if one or a series of battery cells are shaded, it will only reduce 1/6 of the panel capacity.

Pin Half-Cells sử dụng 3 điốt bán dẫn và 6 dãy cell pin
Half-Cells batteries use 3 semiconductor diodes and 6 battery cell arrays

– Combining 5 busbar technology reduces the conductive distance, thus increasing efficiency, reducing impedance.
– Increasing life and durability

  • When a battery cell is shaded, the amount of energy obtained from the light conversion of the unshaded cells in the same array will be concentrated in the shaded cell and generate heat. If this phenomenon occurs for a long time, it will lead to the risk of battery damage.
  • For Half-Cells batteries, the conduction distance is short, many busbars, the current flowing in the busbar is reduced by half, so it will be possible to minimize the heat generation due to this shaded battery cell.

– Works better than other batteries when shaded.

Key identifying features:

– The panel is divided into two symmetrical halves by a line in the middle of the panel.
– The rear connection wire is located in the middle of the panel, unlike traditional full-cell batteries, the connection wire is usually located on one end of the panel.
– The battery cells have a rectangular shape, twice the number of traditional full-cell panels with square battery cells.

công nghệ Half-Cells

 With outstanding advantages in technology, it solves many problems in the solar power system. Half-Cells solar cells are a perfect choice for your solar power system.

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